Using psychology to leverage your Instagram performance

Discover three psychology-driven branding techniques that could uplift your Instagram performance and success

As I’ve explored before in an earlier blog, there is an inspiring link between psychology and successful branding. It’s what links audience attention, engagement and an innate sense of belonging. It’s the incredible foundation that cultivates amazing B2C connections! 

With psychology-driven branding, you can make audiences feel at one with your brand and unique vision. This way, you can ensure they’re confident and comfortable with what you have to share. The key is to tap into the intrinsic human emotions we all feel and the thinking that persuades us to act!

But how? Let’s dive into three ways you can easily leverage its spectacular pull to uplift your brand and Instagram performance.

Three psychology-driven branding techniques that could uplift your Instagram performance and success 

  1. Social Proof

Have you ever stumbled across something online shopping that looks and sounds amazing but might be too good to be true? Whether it’s a new brand or a left-field design, chances are you’ve done a quick Google or Instagram search and dived into a sea of reviews to learn more. You’ve sought stimuli that either confirms or denies its integrity before adding it to the basket. 

This phenomenon is the basis of social proof. In the world of marketing and branding, it’s the things that convince audiences to make or justify a purchase. Reviews, recommendations, ratings, media coverage, social media presence and testimonials are great examples of it in action - things that customers can draw upon when decision-making.

Instagram is a powerful platform to build up your brand’s foundations of social proof. It can offer potential customers and engaged audiences a constant feed of desirable stimuli that supports their next action. So what do you post?

  • Case studies: Receive a great review? Why not get in touch with that satisfied customer and build out a presentable post that emboldens their awesome experience with your brand.

  • Great reviews: It’s as easy as screenshotting that 5-star reviewing and popping it up. 93% of consumers say that online reviews influence their purchases, so put the ones that matter up for everyone to see!

  • Accolades and qualifications: Show your audience that you’ve got the skills and the prestige to deliver an amazing product, service or experience.

  • Images of your brand in action: Legitimise your work with timely pictures, stories and real-time live videos.

2. Positive Brand Settlement

Positivity, joy, happiness - innate human feelings that just about everybody loves to feel and share! When wrapped up in this smiley feeling, we’re much more likely to get involved with things, people and products. We become more attracted and interested in our surroundings, approaching things with optimism and eagerness.

In the wellness space, contentedness, fulfilment, flexibility and freedom are what we’re all about! On Instagram, your brand can leverage a joyous, positive spotlight. That way, audiences will approach what you have to offer with open arms with a preordained feeling of comfort and be more willing to share it forward.

Colours, patterns, shapes, fonts, photos, descriptions and overall persona all come into play when building your positive image. Think neutral tones and hints of yellow and pink. Rounded patterns, shapes and fonts. In photographic content, prioritise smiles and movement. Affirming themes in your words. The canvas is yours to splash!


The grass is always greener on the other side… allegedly.

“FOMO” or the “fear of missing out”, banks on the idea that people want or need things they don’t have. It’s a sentiment based on comparison that can encourage audiences to engage with what you have to offer. 

In an Instagram context, if your strategy and persona already showcases positivity, personality and social proof, you’re ahead of the curve! Audiences may be able to see others benefitting from your brand and naturally build a desire to see the success themselves. This is an organic way to stir FOMO.

Here are some more targeted ways to bank on FOMO:

  • Instil a sense of urgency: Maybe you have a deal running for a limited time, a few places left in your next class, or only a small amount of products left. Let your audience know! This creates a sense of urgency and a need to act fast.

  • Prove audience engagement: Tapping into the idea of social proof, showcase the power of your brand through case studies, reviews or evidence of your brand in action. Show that it could be them in the next post!

  • Portray healthy comparisons: It’s vital to prove how your customers can benefit from your unique offering. On Instagram, side-by-side comparisons are powerful. This can be in the form of photographs, quotes and statistics - they all give potential customers an observable benefit to hold on to.

Instagram success with science

Psychology is relevant in absolutely everything we do, especially in our wellness field. Every day, we naturally draw upon the beauty of our mind, body and soul, tapping into connection, fulfilment and engagement. This incredible science allows us to take the same approach in the  way we communicate with our audiences. 

Uplift the lives of your clients and the performance of your brand today. If you’d like to hear more ways to improve your social media branding with a splash of psychology, reach out anytime.

Caro x


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